Destin Destin 23ss


Italian luxury fabric manufacturer,
People from Colombo
Standed brand,

Cultivated at Colombo
Abundant knowledge and techniques,
Luxury Maison
Utilizing the experience of OEM,

With the finest textiles
Working luxury wear,
The same brand.

Using silk or cashmere, etc.
With a luxurious atmosphere
Despite the extreme comfort

Dior (Dior) and Celine,
Rick Owens (Rick Owens), etc.
A famous luxury maison
Because I also play OEM,

Although it is universal
Sophisticated clothing
I keep producing it.

It is also a brand signature,
The design using bandana is
Have a tasteful atmosphere somewhere
While releasing

Due to the strangeness of textiles
Luxurious mood
Demonstrated fully,
Not possible items
It is attractive.

At amanojak.
A solid backbone of the brand
It was firmly utilized,

Although it is universal
Pursuing the quality of textiles,
Destin's unique items
I have a lineup.
The archive blog of this brand
Please see below.
From the link below
This brand by amanojak.
You can see the lookbook.
-Destin items are
We handle at [Sendagi store ]-

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The highest price is ¥104,500
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