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"Fashion" is culture!

"I think you're thinking,
Such things have been seen in the history of the world.
There have been a lot of things.
If you deny all that,
Art is also a total negation.'
* The statement that became the basis of "infidelity is culture"
By Junichi Ishida

Hello everyone!

I'm Ishida Kyasarin!


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【Margiela House (1)】
SIZE: 36/ 38/ 40 (*SIZE40 is reserved)
PRICE: 107,800-(TAXIN)

I'm sure you've all heard of it at least once.

"Infidelity is a culture!"


I heard this kind of remark

Oh, I think I said it ~

"What do you do to hurt your family?

I'm not justifying it."

I understand the feelings of those who feel resentment.

On top of that,

"People who make statements like this

I think it's interesting.

But think about it, folks.

He himself was hung out to dry in this matter

It seems that it was a lot of trouble.

Junichi Ishida = Adultery

Junichi Ishida = Barefoot leather shoes

Young people may not know it.

Don't you feel like this equation? (laughs)

What does it mean to be on fire?

"Junichi Ishida is such a person!"

In people's minds

It's amazing to keep the same label.

You can't even go up in flames

I'm an ordinary person

At least make an impression on Instagram

When you come to the store,

"Huh!! That's it!"

I'd 💛 like to be thought of

I'm thinking,

How are you all doing?


When I was talking to a fashionable customer of Bali Carry

This is the story that comes out.

"There is a fashionable person of TOGA in the ○○ department

I really like it, so I want to get along with it."

"All the Aloha shirts in the ○○ department

Because there are people who wear it

I want to get a shirt that can compete with me."

What's this guy!!

That's what I thought.

This is a pretty high level.

Fashionable labels

It's a conversation that you can't have unless you put it on the other person!

It's kind of nice to know that people think that way

Oh come on.

Don't you think there are too many people in the world who have no characteristics?

All the young kids on the train look the same... (laughs)

Margiela came in today.

"Oh! He's the one who always wears Margiela!"

If you think that, you'll win ~. (laughs)

You may think that I want to get along with you ~,

Margiela: I can't believe I wear it all the time

Let's use it as a reference for styling...

What a sneak peek!

And then there's Margiela.

"His clothes

It has 4 stitches

I don't know what it is..."

I thought it was simple and sophisticated ~

He's wearing such high-class clothes, he's ...

If you think so~~~

It's fun???

That's why.

Would you like to wear Margiela with me? That's the story. (laughs)

Hey, dude.

It's a long way off from the title.

"Fashion is also culture!"

I should have wanted to write that.

I digress and have come to a conclusion!



So, let's get rid of the roses!!

(staff: きゃさりん)


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